13 September 2007

First post - A full life

After much procastination, I'm finally writing my first post in a blog which has been created more than 6 months ago. What's my excuse? Too busy.

After more than 6 months, I'm still 'too busy' now. But today, I've asked myself, what am I 'too busy' doing? Work, kids, schedules to keep ....

We now live in a situation where we always seem to be bogged down by something or other. Today it's about finishing an assignment, tomorrow is about getting to a meeting in time. Somehow, 1 thing or another will crop up that takes our attention away from the more important things in life. Somehow, that thing that suddenly crops up seems to be more urgent than it is important. Hence the 'important thing' usually have to make way for that 'urgent thing'. The important things are usually not urgent.

On most days, we tend to get so caught up on all those supposedly urgent things that we forget to ask ourselves what are we meant to live for? What are the things that really make us happy at the end of the day? What have we done to make our dear ones happier? What have we done to help give others a better life? Are we leading a balanced and full life?

While making a good living and providing for our family is important, we must not forget the non-material things that matter just as much. We work harder so that we can give our families better things and more opportunities but is that all that they want? Instead of giving your kids the latest toy in the market, perhaps you can give them a little more time to spend with you to get to know you better. Instead of treating your elderly parents to the best restaurants in town, perhaps you should hear them out with more patience.

I've decided that I want to lead a fuller life. I want to watch my kids grow and be there when they learn new things. I want to have more heart talks with my better half and know him better. I want to spend more time with my parents in their golden age. I want to add life to my hours and not hours to my life.

This blog will record the adventures and misadventures of my journey as working mum.